I get scared Hoping I'm making the right choices, hoping that my intentions are coming from the truest place within, Hoping that my heart is guiding me to the medicine I need, hoping I will stay protected on this path, hoping the foundations I build with each breath are sturdy ones which will flourish into fine forests one day.
I'm sure you are just as scared, maybe for different reasons and maybe you have different hope's in your heart.
But I know your scared too, together we hide in this fear.
And in fear illusions form easily, We trick ourselves into believing in these fears, fears like flickers of fire flashing ferociously. Deception. We feed them with our doubts for the dream seems too scary, too surreal, too un-attainable. The fears become fed, the fears become real, and so the trust vanishes and the fears dance before us. Challenge us.
I know there is an eye beyond the fears. The eye of observation patiently waiting for loves return.
Yet here I am again, afraid to come out of shells for the world can be bitter and once one tastes that sour milk it is difficult to open a palm to receive more of the unknown.
Here I am afraid to hold hands, Afraid to walk into what we both know is possible, A whole galaxy of dreams exists yet somehow we hinder ourselves at the base of the daring cliff.
For the dream seems almost too real.
Yet I have a desire Which runs so true Like the river of my heart beating through And I want to breathe through this fear and listen to my river, I want To trust my hand in yours.
To trust that we can breathe through the tough times together, And trust that this leap Will support us, That the Angel's have been listening, that a lifetime of prayers has been just waiting For us To say yes, To choose love.
With a fertile heart Open like a lotus flower upon your alter, I'd like to Walk with your hand and To say yes to love To say yes to you To say yes to the unknown To trust I am exactly where I need to be And to hope That somewhere the Angel's Have heard my yes and Are smiling!