Beer is my bottle of sleep, and I drink enough sleep to forget, that I'm all alone I don't have a home, and my soul will just die when im dead.
Just another scared boy waiting in his casket or acting a part its either action or nothing the mind is divorced
bodies are useless why accumulate them in a sack of skin, the cage created by a skull cap glass brains are wrapped in
transparent and thin a sleep sheet sewn by rapid eye movement
encased in bones the alcohol is sediment settling in the bottom bodies brave colony, of other owners that forage for a loners last remnants of his ostomy. cavity. Bags of excretion excrete his thoughts, like lead does to mass graves of forties gulags.
Hes lost all compassion, extinguished all hope, hopes a disease the defectors misquote, cause cadavers decay, minds atrophy as muscle, senescence affects all and with age we buckle, the pressures too great, mans heart is too weak, the blood is no longer pumped to his feet, as he falls to his knees, the earth says βwe are oneβ, as the worms eat the flesh of the casket they've dug.