Just spelled letters. Cursive cursed. No meaning to me.
It makes me sad, Other people have, Something I cant stab at, Real hugs when things go bad,
From some one you care about.
I lost my home. When I was 5 years old. Became complacent and detached.
From gene. Sharing people. Like. My dad.
I was supposed to be. like them. Instead I'm the way. I am.
Holding no golden fleece. Just a mind with ideas. Released to them. No meaning.
Holiday days are the worst. I cant hold their hands and for sure not my words. The only time I feel anxieties with them. They ask me how I am I ask them how they can't.
Feel, what, I, feel.
We aren't a family. We are just guilt. Guilt to love, people, you hate.
And go to their funerals, buy them presents, And, Bring flowers, to their graves.