The latest homicide, where gunman(men) slew ***** deed done dirt cheap half dozen innocent people drew minimal horrific gasps, now a new month (September two thousand nineteen)
where goldenrods yellow with morning dew encompassing human zoo welcomes unsuspecting killer(s) true to form - predictably will undertake to fire bullet(s) setting calibrating counting queue
as month nine allows brisk business bereaved will final adieu, whether gentile nor Jew, perhaps including child named Caillou instantaneously slain, who knew
not what felled them engrossed amidst social ballyhoo ex post facto registering grievous hue pallbearers accentuating somber view eclipsing most recent prior massacres similar to previous you ululations yesterday's sorrows
without handy dandy blue's clue motive explaining cold blooded slaughter unsurprising discovery firearms Jane/ John Q. Public kept stashed loaded, deployed... guns up the kazoo
cocked, gauged, primed... for unleaded opportunity to unleash barrage invariable generating hullabaloo to curb ****** violence trumpeting predictable brew ha ha alloyed against National
Rifle Association almighty Republican supported lobbyist crew versus increased uproar protesters chorus nearly few tile opposition pitted grand Poobah despite alarming statistics shew plus increasing fresh gravesites dug
amidst freshly mowed fescue attesting to wanton shell shocked headlines indiscriminate brew tilly assaulting sensibilities without rhyme nor reason yet, yours truly doth boo leave rampant hatred
directly linkedin to "FAKE" commander in chief whose rabid vitriol hue man fountainhead few ming and frothing lathers up right wing supremacists greenlighting smoldering new
bile radicals hot headed volatile mindset whereby self anointed anarchistic Guru possibly fuels global warming evidenced by displaced Eskimos flooding courtesy melting igloo!