Most people would say I'm better I was so sad and so angry at first So now, i must be better I'm always smiling I don't hide my scars anymore, I must be so proud of my recovery But this is so far from the truth If anything I feel worse I just hide it now Even from myself I ignore it And distract myself But it always comes back You can't run away from these things cause they are a part of you I dont want to burden anyone I dont want to go back to another hospital Seriously, I don't give a **** if you're throwing me back in a mental institution I care that I won't be able to see my mom She needs me So I smile I act like I'm better I lie I keep the tears in and pray to whoever is up there that they buy it and let me go And they do It became so ridiculously easy to pretend Then there's therapy I care about other people too much I care about how everyone around me is feeling The first weeks of therapy are okay I'm honest, as honest as i can be But then we start to bond I start to care about their feelings And all of a sudden my life's perfect again They fixed me, right? No, but i act like I'm okay to make them feel better Of course on the inside nothing has changed It's only gotten worse At night i can feel it pestering inside me and i wanna cry , i just want to cry so bad But i have no more tears I'm numb So i use my imagination I think of places far away Places where I'm happy I know she'll notice all of this eventually My mom She'll notice and i will keep quiet I don't want to hurt her feelings My feelings? My feelings would hurt her So i hide them And i don't get better You know, the sick thing is, I don't even think i want to get better Because I'm scared of that too This is all I've ever known I don't remember being happy I don't remember peace with myself It's lonely It's so ******* lonely Because everyone else knows this completely different person They don't even know me I don't know how to deal with this anymore I just want it to stop I care about people so much, I dont want to hurt them, but when they meet the real me they will get hurt I'm done.