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Aug 2019
yes the theatre was good
who done it now we
know who done it
yet the culprit swore
us all the secrecy

it is the longest running
a mouse trap

hope all the kittens came well
thet you are over run with cuteness

i stayed away a while and we rode
the narrow guage as always there
and back again

as always

then up the lake fishing
saving imaginary folk
with a rope then bound
him up happily

while he remained that way
an hour or so and no one

we made reed boats and caught two tiddlers

we placed them back of course
we don’t eat meat nor fish
yet the ice melts

it is all a worry
which i will not clarify

let you feel it is just

i am glad it was nothing serious
and that there will be funds for an engine

6.48 am
glad of my lot
wished better for others
Sonja Benskin Mesher
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