Donald Trump, Lemony Snicket, Askew bee Doo, plus knowledgeable Jiminy Cricket, all reliable, trustworthy sources, who would never misinform gullible traveler I know time to lather up with poetic shampoo
so don't you dare ballyhoo moost likely known to garden variety wahoo (When You Wish Upon a Star goo whee lyrics aside...), particularly following feedback haint "FAKE,"
just like this tattoo on each posterior cheek helping move doo doo i.e. private business, anyway pardon loo *** wordplay, now lemme continue
though ye would would much prefer I bid thee adieu, ham back from the house of Pooh ready with toilet trees to vend off voodoo intending to remain forthright to
finish explaining courtesy regarding resultant google Moo choe reputable homepage search query... hallooo thankfully helped rescue me bogged down in Waterloo curious about... any clue?
Yepper, what sound do crickets make? plus other esoteric tidbits to slake thirst for aspiring entomologist (may even know gossip where ache key breaky hearts quake 'bout Josh and Drake)
yielded plethora web newpages mainly concerning former, whereat bottom cricket wing covered teeth- like ridges make
rough surface, and upper surface of infinitesimal gliding anatomical feature functions like scraper, hence rubbing respective parts together doth create chirping (βstridulating") soundcloud.