Why me ? Why are you telling me again ? Why am I supporting you ? Why can't you see ? Why can't you love me ? Why can't you grow up ? Why can't you move on ? Why can't I move on ? Why can't I grow up ? Why can't I love me ? Why does everything change? Why does everyone grow and change? Why don't I? Why does everyone else get better? Why does everybody else get to be happy? Why do I get sadness poured on to me? Why can't it just stop? Why can't it be about me? You can't leave me. You have to stay, you have to watch me get better. Remember how much I changed last year? Why was it because of you? Why the **** do I care about you? You treat me like dirt until something goes wrong? Why am I always someone's second choice? Why am I my own second choice? Why can't you see you need me? Why do I need you? Why?
having a bit of a freak out. too many things going on at once