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Mar 2013
Tomorrow might be too late
Silence not to be broken
Bonding in a way
Nothing could quite describe it

Carry it
Hold it
Cherish it
Hug it

Each day
Each class
Each moment

Until you, yourself
Have been silenced

But even after that,
You're heart continues to carry out the beat of the drum

And you're voice will continue to ring through the streets and cities
Some days it'll be almost too quiet to hear
Others it'll ring louder then the city bells

But you're heart will carry out the beat
I'm trying to hold a Day of Silence in my school.
We desperately need it.
And hopefully, we'll never go back to pretending everything's okay when the building in which we spend our days in, is crumbling to the dirt...
Written by
   Syd and Ellyn k Thaiden
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