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Mar 2013
It was 5:30 in the morning,
And I couldn’t fall back to sleep,
So I went downstairs to wake my mom,
And didn’t dare to make a peep.
When I arrived downstairs,
My mom wasn’t there,
I got really nervous now,
As I yelled, “mom”, in mid air.
I ran straight to the kitchen,
And turned on the light,
I spotted a big, wild dog,
Looking at me as if to fight.
I screamed at the top of my lungs,
Which looked ready to pop,
As I ran for my life,
I fell straight to a plop.
When I got up as fast as lightning,
I ran to open the back door,
The dog then charged,
With a ferocious loud roar.
I locked the door very obediently,
Trying not to collapse again,
I started to breathe hard and heavy,
As from outside it started to rain.
I sat down very slowly
Wondering where my mother was,
Also thinking about that animal,
And how it got inside here,
It smells really bad still,
It really does.
I sprinted back into the kitchen,
And noticed a dead body on the floor,
Oh my G-d it was my mother,
This was such horror.
My face couldn’t budge,
My body was still,
My mouth was wide open,
That repulsive dog did ****!
“Mom, mom,” I yelled in horror,
Until I actually saw her face,
I realized it wasn’t her,
What a disgrace!
Out of the ordinary,
Her eyes appeared alive and met mine,
Then she quickly got up and kept to her strive.
She was a very ugly woman,
Yet very old looking and gray,
But she looked loving and friendly,
Oh this was the strangest day!
When all of a sudden.
Her eyes turned the color red,
As she turned from loving to frightening,
I then realized that she couldn’t be dead.
The frightening creature then took me by the shirt,
And thoroughly taped me against the wall,
I almost had a heart attack,
But at least now I actually looked tall.
She then yelled, “Don’t you move now,”
And walked to find more tape,
She had pinned me up so fast,
I thought that would be the last.
When she came back absolutely furious,
I struggled to get out,
But she then tape me up again,
Boy I had so much doubt.
Just at that very moment,
The strangest looking man had walked in,
He stared at me in horror,
As I began to realize he was made of human and tin.
That was the man in my nightmare,
The one who strangely backed away,
He was the one who had owned the vile creatures,
And had always made them stay.
As now the two hideous creatures,
Started coming towards me,
I tried to say what I said in my nightmare,
“Please let me free!”
But it did not work this time,
And I thought they were going to ****,
I said my last sins all at once,
As I was standing nervous but still.
I took a quick glance at the clock,
And read that it was already 7:50a.m.,
So I struggled with all my might,
To get down from this wall.
Today was the first day of school,
And I knew I wasn’t going to make it,
I then saw what they were holding,
It was a match that they lit.
They lit the fire on my shirt,
And I began to shout again,
“Let me free,”
As I began a slow death about.
Just then,
I awoke burning hot,
I remembered I was sick today,
So I lay there mutinously,
As I enjoyed my horrible day.
Written by
Shari Forman  New York
(New York)   
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