A large tilted tree Over a neglected grave. Little lonely flowers Litter most tombs.
Mossy and misshapen, Some stones are forgotten. A manicured grave, From people that care. Some overgrown grass, And the musty air.
Each holding a life full of memories That no one remembers. Hundreds to thousands Of isolated souls. Hundreds to thousands Of lives now empty. And a slab of stone, Of all that’s left.
Morbid but peaceful, The chirps are the music, Singing along for the dead.
Lives once lived, Now lives are lost. A place of the dead, Yet teeming with life. Tied down by a legacy, Somber and silent The graves line the hills. The trees offer shade To those that can grieve.
A resting place well deserved, And family together are found, With empty spaces reserved, Ancestors are knowingly proud.
Gone from this world, But not gone from our hearts. Every death is a new start. Death’s kind embrace Has sweetly lured The hundreds of dead, Now to a new world.
More losses to face, Loved and adored, A casket adorned, Now buried but breathing, In other’s hearts.
My second assigned poem for my creative writing class