Dark sensation creeping in my skin. Blood is boiling, and I’m turning red. Anger pulsating faster and faster. Only a matter of time. Till I blow up. Embracing my dark side. Embracing who I truly am. The person I held back for far too long. But no longer, Will I conform. No longer, Will I apologize. No longer will I listen to your lies!
Embrace the hate!
Released the monster in the cage. Because I can’t contain my rage. So, I embrace it. Because hate is the only love I have left. Because hate is my escape. An emotion that distracts me from my grief. And my toxic reality. That I refuse to acknowledge. For showing tears isn’t manly! For tears show weakness! At least, That’s what I’ve been told. So, I channel my pain into rage. So, come along with me. And...
Embrace the hate!
This is just something as an idea for a metal song.