One circle composes life But what is inside or on its edges Is a completely new sensation- that is the dichotomy of it all; General stillness of everything And ever changing situation Always in motion Always something or someone else Prison of freedom
So many paths walked by others Yet one path of life always short of Right answers, if there even are any
What others think right Only necessary to survive Where some seem to thrive Is to us a loosing fight Everything being only endless River of confusion and doubt
Edges are still nowhere to be seen; Only in wild hallucinations they appear To us, the end of ourselves- There we are dead until we Put a foot on that place On that state of mind
Partly as animals we only live Unable to comprehend why Partly as humans we try to find A reason However, blinded by the notion Of purpose we forget to ask The simplest of questions- Is there any final destination For this incomprehensible life?
And if the answer is negative There is nothing to be found.
Maybe that is the case And our existence bounds us To find purpose of our own: to melt the general life In the seas of originality, To widen our edges, To deepen our insides, To increase our separation, Embrace the Solitude Of our souls (So the humility could bloom) To become truly ourselves And not just the generals.
Only memory is pretty What is left is only ash Eternal darkness Burning sawdust...