I liked the way it felt inside you, curled like a cat
it was hot so I was sweating which may sound gross but it was hot so you were sweating too and my sweat mingled with your sweat and became us-sweat and we both knew that it was hot and sweaty and gross but inside each other we were comfortable so the us-sweat was okay
until the morning came and with it fear and silence and the us-sweat became me-sweat on you and you-sweat on me and I just wanted to jump into the ocean because the ocean,
when you think about it, is really just a giant ditch filled with salt water which is pretty much the same as sweat except people don't think it's gross so in the ocean no one cares whose sweat is whose
and maybe if it had been just a little bit cooler
I could have stayed forever inside you, my breath trapped within the mercy of your body