Ode, my grandparents I wish you all were here Without your strong guidance My mind has failed to come clear It was such a better place When you all were here with me I pray you all have glanced down To see the man I've grown to be I give you all the praise You've laid down the foundation For this plentiful family we have Scattered across this vast nation The sacrifice you've made for me Allows joyful tears to flow Til this day our family is still close Entwined in love we endure to grow With each sweet conjured thought I think of every great story My loving parents told me of you I reminisce of your past glory You have done everything for me Just as God has groomed Without lessons to my parents My future would've been doomed Your beautiful faces Oh! How we resemble I take in traits from you all So much so, in glee, I tremble You mean so much to me I promise to make you all proud Despite all of my minor failures My love for you screams aloud! I am grateful for your work From each of you I take heed A shot at my heart, no broken skin I bleed for you, and for my seed Thank you all so very much From my cuticles to my hair I love you all dearly I'll see you when I get there...