I’ve lost a piece of myself. That I couldn’t recover. A piece of me. Taken away from a former lover. What a weird feeling. To be incomplete. To be empty. Without you next to me. I know things haven’t always been peachy. I know we both got angry. I know you are over me. But I can’t seem to get over you. It doesn’t make sense. I know that in my brain. But my heart hasn’t got the memo. But my heart wants you back. And I’m conflicted, Not knowing what to do. It’s like a loss of self. And these feelings can no longer stay on the shelf. And I know you’re not ready to talk about it. But I need to process my emotions. For I’m tangled in this web. Spiralling in my heart and head. Over analyzing everything. Overthinking everything. What is wrong with me? Why can’t I be free? Of these feelings? I’m not even sure how I truly feel about you. When one moment I resent you and the next moment I long for you. Is this love? This can’t be love. I don’t know what this is. Maybe it’s because you were my first? I don’t know. For i’m just at a loss right now. For one hand I want to save our love and what we had. But also know that some love can’t ever be saved.