This road that leads to Calvary Where I will surrender to Crucifixion A path that only lets me know of my pain A path that lets me know of my shame Scorned by those who stand by Though they know not they too Are being led to the same Crucifixion
Thus is the plight of man who is here To live here as if this is eternity Man's divinity is slaughtered here Where there is no grasp of the fullness The fullness to which man is called
Man is called to break the shell And be stripped of his limited-ness To enter into the vastness beyond the shell Where he would reign as prince In the presence of his Father
In this land of sorrows and jealousy Caused by feeling limited Scarcity is the temptation To hold on to the valueless To grab more of the valueless
While that which of value Beckons one to courageously Walk out into the glory Though it may look gory To viewers along the road to Calvary
Calvary is where I must set up my altar Altar where I sacrifice This limited self for it no longer serves The purpose for which I am called