Mum said she can see me in you Surely it must be different views; See when I think of you I don’t see the similarities that make me anything like you. The hospital told me you staggered when you walked in and had to be turned away, you missed the first time the light hit my eyes yet tell me that the future can change.. Maybe we could go camping dad? Maybe you could sleep next to me on the streets that you’ve destined for me and you could find excuses for why you were drunk yesterday like I have to when I come in from a long day. We couldn’t camp though could we Dad? She doesn’t let you out. You’re dangerous outside the house, addicted to flashing lights and liquid life. It’s blinding when you can’t see the view, you’re losing me just as much as I am losing you. Do the maths and tell me how did it equate to that? When one could of become two but instead you looked out for you.