Brainstorming, concentrating panning... for poem idea shattered brew tilly by deafening seasonal greensward cutting crew contracted throughout summer to mow
leaves of grass every Tuesday, which drew attention toward fragrant aroma seeping into nostrils of me - match hew, heavily negated true
quiescence courtesy ear splitting soundcloud of driving mowers even moo ving bovines would clap cloven hooves over soft as lambs wool
sensitive hearing micro corkscrew innards, viz their ***** shaped audiological anatomical accouterments - cow word lee lowing Jew pitter Io sliver by jove whew
once silence returns (after cessation rip snorting bedlam) savoring the hum of nature anew, and moost likely relish fresh cut leaves of grass as I inhale analogous
delectable waft of homebrew albeit molecules borne aloft after sharp heavy duty blades of industrial riding mowers bestrew higglety pigglety, helter skelter juicy fruit chlorophyll rich
plants releasing nectar sweet as honeydew olfactory imbibing nostalgic view of yesterday, when agrarian farmsteads populated landscape picturesquely anointing, exuding, messaging...
perfuming faint clue intimating rural lifestyle forebears hapt tubby privy too, where deer and antelope played unaccosted by impending urbanization, hence such idyllic serene rue man nation - visage you
would probably concur as most divine comity worth more than any buckeroo could purchase - vestiges vanishing without a trace adieu mother nature nowhere found except caged up within zoo.