To be what you are meant to be To find your purpose, and be free First cast your shackles on the floor Learn you must choose what is in store
For destiny though daunting, looming Is something you choose for yourself With passion's energy consuming You'll find fulfillment your greatest wealth
Each day will be a blessed gift Your life will be transformed For once your mind has taken shift Then your heart will be warmed
Everyone has a personal truth Something to share with all Grasp it, becoming living proof You can rise daily and stand tall
Attempt at a didactic poem. Feels a bit sloppy, but this is mostly for practice. I used to get very caught up in the idea of destiny/purpose/fate, until I realized we are free to choose our paths in life, and that is all for the better. I see so many people struggling with deep questions, such as the meaning of life, when it's as simple as appreciating the meaning it already has, and building something from it for yourself. Thought this may be helpful. Any criticism would be greatly appreciated. I want to make poetry my purpose.