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Aug 2019
I'm so tired of being a second choice
Don’t tell me I’m not because that’s what I’m feeling right now Whenever she’s not there you always come and run to me and act like you never left me in the first place
Whenever she’s not there, you now remember my presence; in which you forget the first time we just met
Whenever she’s not around, that's when you come and talk to me and use me as entertainment
I'm not her
I’m not as good as her
I’m not pretty like her
I can’t be her
I'll never be her
You can’t comfort me by saying I’m not
Saying that you really cared for me
Saying that I'll always remember you whenever I left or whatever I just disappeared
Saying you love me even though you really don’t
You can’t comfort me anymore because I know what the truth is, and I really think I’m not worth saving
I’m a second choice
And whenever she’s with us, I’ll always be
Ashley Jerome
Written by
Ashley Jerome  15/F/El Paso Tx
(15/F/El Paso Tx)   
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