"It had nothing to do with you, love," you said "You're perfect to me," you said It made my heart ache and ache Why did you have to say that? Right when it was starting to get easier
"I need to smoke a cigarette," I think to myself "The cigarettes you smoke one after the other won't make you forget him," I mutter through clenched teeth I feel as though my molars might crack under the pressure I feel so tense and weak and alone
You touched me and then you loved me You left me and then you broke me You made the wanderer in me stay and build a home I built the foundation up and around your heart so I could be your heartbeat, Residing in your chest, underneath the warmth of your tingling flesh
With no prior notice you evicted me You demolished my home, my comfort, my bliss You left me cold and sad and heartbroken With no where to go