in me. I just need a good clean-up job. I’ve been dragged through the mud. Scuffed up a bit. But there’s plenty of me left to polish. When I compare
myself to others I look dull. I fade in the comparison. It makes me want to quit. But then I say to myself this is my true destiny. And I’ll never know how far I could go if I stop here. I’ll
never know my worth if I don’t take off all the layers of dirt that are sticking to me, in some seedy way have been protecting me. But aren’t who I am. I’ve worn them so long
they’ve become my limbs, my second skin. Grotesque as it is, I was content being muted. I wouldn’t refute it, when people pigeonholed me. Fit me in this or that category. I’m starting to chip off pieces
as a chick does its shell to break into this world. I still have a long way to go to find the light. I know it’s out there; it’s just not in my sight. But I feel the warmth in the air over all my layers.