He was a beautiful monarch butterfly Unique in some ways He had bright colored orange and black wings decorated with an intricate pattern
He was always alone visiting flowers near where he lived He never ventured out too far
One day he noticed a beautiful blue butterfly close by He had never seen such a thing Its color was stunning to him He flew over to it to ask where it was from
She said she had came a long ways away from the south down by Brazil She told him there were many more just like her there
The monarch butterfly found the answer incredible He could not believe it
The blue butterfly told him that he can go anywhere in the world at anytime if he wants
She told him that a group of butterflies would be traveling north the next day and that he was welcome to join them
Early the next morning as the sun began to rise, off in the distance, a large flock of butterflies could be seen flying north They looked beautiful against the light of the rising sun