It’s broken My heart It was yours from day one Now it feels ripped apart Torn to pieces Thrown aside Waiting for someone who will try to fix it
They can try But it will never be the same It’ll be mended, but never whole They can try to get me to feel better But you’re the only one who can do that
You made me smile in ways no one else could Laugh even when I didn’t want to And love, even when me heart was cold as ice
You melted my frozen heart Even when I was sure no one could But you could And you did
So why? Why did you play with my emotions? Why do you get mad when we don’t see eye to eye?
Why did I give you my heart?
Did you just want something to play with? Someone you could mess with and then leave?
Did I mean anything to you? Anything at all?
Or was I just a phase Something just to help you pass the time until something better came along?
I guess so I should’ve known better I refused to see the signs
I wanted it to be you I had hoped it would be you But I was wrong about you.....again
I guess I’ll never learn My heart will stay in pieces Until you decide to come and fix it the way only you can
Because you were the one who broke me in the first place