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Jul 2019
The universe kisses my palms
And lays it's stars inside of me
The universe saves me by
Planting orbs of warm light
In my chest

In the night
gentle beams of hope
Radiate through my skin
Like Fireflies
And lure the darkness away from my lover

The light guides him
Into my arms
Where he is safe
And will never fear the dark again
For when he touches me
The universe will bless him
With the warm light inside of me

He will find his way home
And guide others
How I have guided him
The universe nurtures us
And feeds us the hope we lost
By giving us a light
When the world is dark
Luis Valencia
Written by
Luis Valencia  20/M/Hays Ks
(20/M/Hays Ks)   
   Bogdan Dragos
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