Into lonely senescence - three plus decades already elapsed trepidation, hesitation unbearably tugging, shouldering, remonstrating accumulation of "baggage" thumb
of right hand ****** out silently raving, quaking cursing ultimatum parents (soffit to fascia in) saw fit to fashion and hammer home
red hot poker rage their singular male offspring middle child of two sisters, who long since vacated premises when both young naifs prior to attaining age of consent
deploring bing holed up at 324 Level Road redoubt built as summer house remote from fracas of urban bedlam still fifty years since Leipers bon voyage into netherland
father and mother imposed swiftly tailored harried styled tough love translated meant absolute zero value toward offspring they begot, and made quite clear loathing
heaped upon sundered fountainhead good for nothing son of a..., he whittled away precious time reading avast among trove of material crowdsourcing numerous bookshelves mostly to impress intellectual visitors,
when in truth middle aged couple thinly veiled country bumpkins, donned with "FAKE" literacy stereotypical "rednecks," inexplicably begot wunderkind agog with inhaling literature
in tandem with liberal magazines and newspapers oft times whiled away countless hours sunup to sundown sequestered most remote nook within local library
few miles walk along country road served as self taught schooling since parochial educated regimen habitually rapped knuckles courtesy whiplike hickory stick if pupil evinced slightest
distraction, whence schoolmaster detected lack of attention as crotchety curmudgeon blankly droned monotonously dull jabbering subjected stone faced classmates
into instant soporific state futilely struggling to keep eyelids slamming shut tight including yours truly, who when suddenly awake realized quite a vivid dream!