We’re all just flesh and blood and bone and soul People don’t belong In boxes till they’re dead No labels, no promises and no regrets Grey areas of utter ambiguity that need no defining or clarifying Just be and let be We are flesh and blood and bone and soul When we fall apart, we put ourselves back together What can a body do alone? Never was so good at mourning, so we practised forgetting together First forget the world Then forget the way things were I went to the beach at night and the sand was cold and the air was all salt and seaweed I walked along the shore, barefoot beneath the stars Thinking about how things change The cool, rising tide lapping at my feet Subtle shifts, breaths and glances Moments and words exchanged And then nothing is the same We are just flesh and blood and bone and soul It’s all we can ever be All the rest is make believe, the rules that we are taught to follow Can you remember the Truth we talked about? I wish I had words to say that could help to ease the pain But I can’t save anybody and I can’t fix you And the only thing worth noting is that souls may live on like memories That flesh and blood and bone may be gone but nobody has to forget