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Mar 2013
Keep your legs closed you little *****,
Instead go buy stuff from the store.
Get home early, don’t go out late.
You’re not allowed to go on dates.
Focus on school, family, and friends,
Do that for the rest of your life over and over again.
You’re not a girl, you’re a woman, never rely on men,
They’re all just ***** cheaters who want you in their bed.
Never trust anyone but yourself,
Everyone’s out to get you, I learned that myself.
Don’t open up to people, it’s a sign of weakness.
Instead keep your mouth shut and full of secrets.
Never allow people to see you cry.
Cry alone until your tears run dry.
Nobody loves you, you little girl.
You’re all alone in this cruel, ****** up world.
You better go to college or else you’re a failure.
Me a failure? Hell no, never.
Why can’t I just be who I wanna be?
I could, but there’s always people judging me.
You’ll have haters all your life, that’s no doubt.
Just gotta be yourself and don’t stress about,
All the things life has in store,
Because when this door closes, there’s plenty more.
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