Brilliant light and sound show not disappointing forecasters promised outstandingly uproarious performance powerful winds rage against the machine embark to score prestigious
chart chopping hit pliancy of heavy boughs sorely tested ear splitting cacophony presaged coming fury within safe shelter of B44,
I hunkered down analogous to brave soldier avoiding deadly crosshairs imagining villainous turncoat targeting yours truly, now considering me enemy ****** fire
body instinctively crouches against impending "FAKE" battle suspected collusion trumpeting thunderous applause issuing prelude betokening nonpareil symphonic unscored cacophonous rendition,
where pliant limbs deign to welcome impending stormy "Daniel" reign impossible kickstarting boots on the ground impossible mission
mere mortals cannot hush their lame clout ineffective against weapons of mass destruction unleashed by Gaia forcing immediate recall atavistic survival skills
tapping into fifty shades gray matter within primitive brain stem long atrophied primal beast, an individual object lesson desperately summoning
emergency measures lest life and limb whiplashed to pulp by furiously roaring winds fierce howling tempest reminding 21st
century **** sapiens merciless Mother Nature intolerant toward global indignity, perhaps foregone watershed of extermination points ship of fools be ******!