"cotton minds", yes cotton minds. cotton minds generating dopamine with their childish brains down the cotton slides. at the beach, a treasure is what every cotton mind finds. but no sandpaper even with a vision that is greater could see it. and when the day is over and it's time to go home, every cotton mind cries because of the lies of his hater, creater, lover, maker. you guessed it, "the sandpaper". cotton minds are childish, no sandpaper would understand them cause they'd rather see a fish on a dish rather than in the sea. see? cotton minds are everywhere yet so rare, with a hope and a flarethat no sandpaper could every show. show? yes. a teeny-tiny show is what you're reading and with it you're having a nostalgic feeling of your previous cotton life. in your mind you hear the silence, with stress and finance. your old cotton mind melted until it's now sandpaper. up many levels and your little angels became bigger devils. flushed down your dreams and hopes and now we're all cotton mind killers. right now as you're being told, cotton minds are more precious than gold. it's something you can't own or hold. something you need but on it you let your anxiety feed. sandpaper could be a doctor, but when cotton he played soccer. sandpaper could also be a dentist, but when cotton his dreams faded in the mist. but we all know that sandpaper is a cotton mind fader. once you have it you forget the happiness and the glee. check your reaction and see. sea? yes in a reminder of the sea, cotton is water, cooler, smoother, and better but weaker fellow than the hotter, cruel, yellow, denser and sandier sandpaper.