waking up slowly fabricating an illusive meloncholy, then dancing with different partners in my memory until I'm lighting a cigarette and watching it all bleed out I wanted you all to need me way more than you did perhaps I never opened myself up to being needed and only thought I did... seems like I was just a kid. sometimes it still feels like I am. occassionally naive, but doing the best I ******* can... I barely remember what it was like loving you then I must be like a shadow in your memory... or maybe like a ghost with a heavy burden longing to be freed. do you wonder what I'm up to? does it even matter to you? I'm not sure it even should I can't give you what you needΒ Β I'm not able though I used to wish I could... but I don't quite think that I'm missing out you've got vinegar where you think there's honey in your mouth and a sore where you think there's pores to absorb what you think is a greater knowledge of me of men of women of pleasure and pain you observe and dismiss, leaving with nothing gained. sunday mornings always smell the same but still different in their own way... I've taken so many contemplative rides home in that sunday morning glow eyelids barely clinging to saturday night's eyeshadow... so thirsty for an answer to fill me grinding up some C+ **** reaching my own bed and going back to sleep. I still wonder what you're up to