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Jul 2019
A silence in the dark, liquid sparks, water works for eyes
Real men do cry, like heroes named nothing, Vietnam trash truck spinal tap
A real rap, no bullcrap, veterans on anti-psychotic full stacks
Rearrange that, do a dime flat then tell me about it, kid
Foam lunch dragon chaser, make your life an eraser and get rid of it
Knee deep in ****, they're screaming in the dark, dead larks
Arcs of soulless blue pills, the way life inevitably kills
Concrete fills your shoes, see you in the deep end, son
No fun, no sun, only darkness, heartless, ruthless con artist
If you don't want none don't start it, I'll eat your heart kid
Smell like a ****, kid, go catch a dart, lid, split, wig, hit
Being caught in the **** rain again, about to go insane again
Another manic pink panic, the train ****** ran in, to me
Help me, someone, anyone, my eyes pour pitchers for my comrades nightly
Written by
sandbar  31/M/x
   Bogdan Dragos
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