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Jul 2019
Stupid. Unscrupulous
Underhanded dumb and  greedy....
Jordan your ego is speaking
So ******* needlessly.
Your gums are ******* bleeding...
Did you finish up your gang signs
Walmart parking lot graffiti.
Stolen box of wheaties
And some rainbow Sox just
For your feeties..... sweety.
Oh please.... Hello kitty
More like mister scared of *******
You ain't run a ******* red
Light never mind running a city...

But I wasn't rapping hard ****
Trying to escape it
All together. Whether
I'm a better artist
When this **** is all finally put together.. its meh whatever...
Cant say I'm ******* clever
Won't deny that I'm a genius.....
Complexes so egregiously....
******* feels I'm no smarter
Than a fetus......
School of ancient arts
The meaning suppose to be
The wicked
******* wizards in the art room
And turning witches. Into dishes....
That I scrub like TLC.
Before I ask if they like fitness....
They reply with smiling teeth
Along the lines of yeah I'm healthy
Not asking if your healthy
Mean fittingness **** inside you belly
Jordan Gablehouse
Written by
Jordan Gablehouse  27/Two-Spirit/Canada
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