First by reflection.^^^^ I've detected^^^^. My deepest weakness.)))) It's a beastly need. For love. Its unrequited. Leads ta grief)))) And. Second by devotion. I've relieved ))my need)) to meet)) my needs)) Through other human beings.)) I've maintained that unwanted inner feelings))) Are the map that drives my demons)) So I've ceased to feed the)) Devils that lay dreaming in my Rhyme and reason)))
3rd by living in the moment I've come to appreciate. My inner being* As a temple. That is the centerpiece To my inner chi. And through it bend my energy.* To raise stones from. Mental defeatism And raise courage From a tiny beast That symbolizes freedom)))
Inspired by a famous quote from confucious. Sometimes I find my self lacking reflection and it's too ******* easy to imitate wisdom. My experience speaks for itself. I been through hell and back