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Mar 2013
I loved you, I loved you
With my whole being
Until my eyes started seeing.
You held my heart with tender care,
And looked in my eyes with a loving stare.
For months it was love and it was true,
But I began to notice a change in you.
Your tender care began to pass
And you left my heart laying in the grass.
Yet in your steps you remained staring
But under it all was a mysterious glaring.
You began to fade and acted fake
And inside me, I began to wake.
I gave you my all, my all, my all
But maybe that's not exactly what you saw.
You forgot my heart on the ***** grass,
And it wasn't an action that I let pass.
I picked it up with love and care
All while maintaining our curious stare.
So in the end, when you broke the gaze
It was okay that we split our ways.
I expected it then, and nothing less.
In the end it was a pathetic mess.
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