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Roger Turner - Poet
Mar 2013
The Actress
An overnight sensation
Twenty years in the making
Finally you're noticed
All the roles that you've been taking
High School plays gave you the bug
Standing out front and centre stage
You made your choice of a career
Your life had turned a page
Little theatre groups did beckon
You'd learn your craft and be a star
But, no one told you just how long
you'd wait, or ...just how far
You beat the boards in summer stock
Singing Gershwin in the park
You'd work in summer themed resorts
Cleaning rooms out after dark
Acting, was your calling
You'd be a star one day...you knew
But, even though you'd keep on working
Your name to them was...who?
Extra work and commercials
You'd work the chorus for a while
No matter where you heard...no luck
You'd always leave them with a smile
You swore you'd not get botox
There'd be no nip and tuck
You swore you'd keep on trying
Remember...you've got pluck!!!
The lines were forming around your eyes
As time kept marching on
Your lips were getting thinner
The lead actress roles were gone
You'd pile on the makeup
And you'd lie about your age
No one checked your background out
So, you lied about the stage
But, one day ...there was a call back
A job you never thought was yours
It was sure to go to a younger girl
A true , new, photogenic *****
But, there it was....an offer
The one role to get your start
It said "Miss Watkins we are proud"
"to offer you the part"
You gratefully accepted,
didn't let them know the truth
It was better than a cruise ship show
You were truly through the roof
It was a show way off broadway
The big time was around the bend
You could see the lights from out the back
You had made it...you'd pretend
The makeup went on heavy
But no one really cared
they just ate up your performance
Your soul you truly bared
The critics were enamored
They all loved you at first sight
It only took you twenty years
But, you'd made it overnight...
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Roger Turner - Poet
Marieta Maglas
Prabhu Iyer
R Julleitta
Lucky Queue
4 others
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