I peel layers off of me bit by bit, flake by flake, thought by thought. Deeper. Until blood drips. Wounds fester. Tears flow. Salt burns. I peel. I dig. I struggle. I lose. I dive. Deeper. I doubt. I fear. I crave. I long. I need. Deeper. I reject. I loathe. I hate. I forgot. I despise. Deeper. I run. I Lie. I manipulate. I escape. I cry. Deeper. I obsess. I regret. I confess. I detest. Existing.
Deeper. It's empty. There's space. Room to breathe. I'm there A presence. I understand. I fill the space I have with me and stretch. There's room to grow. I plant a happy tree. A seed. A present. I dug so deep, in the soil of me to plant a seed that lasts forever.