Crashed upon this deserted land I stand alone ,no one , not hand in hand I cry and cringe in a fetal rolled up ball Wailing until there are no more tears to fall Hurting,broken,left alone no love, no life, no one to call my own No friends , No family, just memories of the past I cling to these with every breath, just trying to make them last
I wonder why I'm so unworthy, why they left me here to die Was I such a bad person, was my everything a lie I sometimes feel anger, sometimes feel sad but most of the time , I feel numb, which in turn ,makes me feel bad
I think back to all those memories and realize one fatal truth It was me who pushed away, locking myself in this silent booth Opening up, sharing myself was just to hard a task Now I'm left with nothing, but this worn out, ugly mask
So I deserve to be stuck here To rot from my own fear I crashed myself so recklessly into this sandy grave Trying to get away from all the love they would have gave So now it is so painfully visible to see I am a prison unto myself on this Island called me