A wise man once said. Turn a person into a narcissist. Hell never find a pharmacist With as much. Passion. Love and charm he has... But than again. When a narcissist looks to hard and ****. Into his own reflection. He becomes a **** inside the garden of the misfortunate. It's so stereotyped. But I support this type of condemnation in a sense but its.... More like even evil ****** like narcissists. Have a human root. Like baby groot Beneath their garments n
I spent time eradicating vampires. From my fathers barnyard while those fanged retards were always Starting ****. Till I learned that food to them. Is the goat they bought to slaughter next. And we as humans Eat the goat So who's a monster to a Martian shitttg.....
It means a killer can change his stripes. A ****** can change his life. I car jacker Or ******* jack can find sanctum in his life .. It's like the murderes the monster. But were the ones who made him
Than caged him. Lifting weights became his day job. So he learned to **** people for pay off *** when he was young his daddy didn't earn as much as Bernie macduff. He felt inclined to follow friends. And raid piggy banks No need for day jobs. *** thugs he knew Made more from coke Than the prime minister made From taking scams To fly his plane off.... He swore if he made it out the preversive indifference. A racially motivated hate mob Including prisons. Loan offices and teachers thinking he was way off. That hed prove that equality exists. Or at least the semblance. Of face talks. With the race topic Hot buttoned. Face logic And he still kills it
Dope ****. Living la vida loca. Motion of her ghetto ocean