this time Don't worry its your side im gonna take don't you worry mate. I'm here for you unconditionally I know that you loved her right until the bitter end right until your dignity was stretched out over hot coals Drops of fat hissing and spitting like a fool like an utter **** you deftly ignored all of those negative signals. all those silent nights in avoiding the future avoiding anything anything might come too close to the truth the crippling truth Too large and frightening to look upon Like the sun That this time in all the hundreds of millions of times that this **** goes down with romance and excitement and everything that for a brief moment justifies all this ******* **** this neurosis the moments of utter indifference when the difference between crossing the road safely and intentionally hurling yourself under the roaring wheels of an oncoming lorry grinding up the bones Splintering through the skin like a hideous pin-cushion insensate human patty. The reason you syou do the right thing the sane thing is for fleeting moments like these when for a moment at a time we can ascend beyond the ordinary constraints of every fuckign thing at once that was you. You were the thing that gave meaning to the shallow dichotomy between work and friends. Everyone wants something from you but you stood apart from the din the unholy din Of your seams tearing forces pull you in opposite directions