Living in a rotten train$$$$$ The floor boards Have got some. Gin and tonic stains$$$$$$$ Hooked on Phonix was a proper way.*$$$$$ To say I like cds. More than My body in drag Someone Call up doctor dre.....&&&&$$$$$ Side note For a stalker case$$$$$$$ You like music little loser Don't be ******* dropping hate.$$$$$$
I could stock your place of residence Like a Charlie Manson case. Pull out the hockey tape.$$$$$ And separate your Body weight. From all the cancer brains. That make the jetsons. Look like copy paste.%%%^^^&*$$$ I'm futuristic. Beautiful forensic. Like a movie from elaborate Candle fans That gotta play Director roger k"""%%%$$$ Louder than Beats tuned from doctor dre$$%%%$/ An obnoxious way To say You couldn't stop The onslaught. If you had a drop of toddlers blood. About to be immunized Oh my God. Nahh wayyyy¥¥¥£¥¥£₩