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Mar 2013
The noise of the day that clattered, now like a symphonic cachophony has wained
The many tasks to do, people to communicate with over
So I didn't get to all, but some, others I couldn't
But good was done
The application of logic as a blunt, wholesome instrument
Shattering the petty churlish moves of a fool
Like a game of chess with glass pieces
Seeing the opponents flaws in their transparency
Knowing, pre empting their next move
From a distance not knowing the king had fallen
Checkmate, but if you need another lesson
I'll gladly oblige, chess or something more your style
Tidley winks maybe??
Micheal Wolf
Written by
Micheal Wolf  On the edge of reason, UK
(On the edge of reason, UK)   
   st64 and Jodi
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