Continuous Guidance No, not for a child. For you and me. How? Why? You can ask. Mind is a child. It reacts to people. It reacts to situation. It reacts to environment. It moulds like clay, And then stays that way. Not wrong. But be sure to mould it in the right. That’s what I meant. Continuous guidance like a child. At every step. At every feeling. At every action. Guidance. Mind is a puppet too. Some people play with it. Some situations play with it. Be careful then, A good person turns bad when, It is played with. You cannot run away. You cannot hide. From your own mind. It is your baby, It is your child. If you don’t care, Who will? Guide it. Watch over it. But don’t think to leave it. Forget it. The mind will be mindless then. It will hurt, when its hurts. It will hate, when its hated. It will be angry and stubborn. And the people you love will suffer. If you care for the people you love, Care for it. Care for your mind, So it may learn to care more.