I lay the table in its formal best: mahogany, silver and candlelit. Then in separate bowls, each coloured rich and warm I put the pieces of myself
and offered it all, banquet style to you the rank and sour smell of it heavy in the air
‘they’re miserable’ you said I know.
and we were both shocked because I thought you knew;
that’s why I need you
because we both understand darkness but yours is not inside you.
we live in delicate balance, the universe and i from time to time I steal myself to look breath held and shoulders tense cynicism brandished in anticipation
I look because I believe you when you tell me there is beauty out there too I look because I believe in you
but when it gets too much I fold back inside myself and leave the fight to you
because you were made for it in a way few people would see or understand
because it is not the cold bright intellect that you hold, a tempered shield, against the world that keeps you safe
it is the core of you
where anger, love and innocence burn white hot, fierce and beautiful.
and so real that even when I am crushed and lost in my internal black, when I have no lightness of my own to keep me whole I feel the light of you
and I believe you when you tell me there is beauty in and outside of me even if only you can see it.