I ask myself everyday How can I show you How can I show you how you move me Rather it be dancing in the kitchen To you simply kissing my cheek Your small gestures say it all I’m safe in your arms I don’t feel like I may fall And even if I do I know you’ll catch me As I would you You let me discover me Because let’s just face it I was never allowed to do so You make me want to be a better woman For myself, child and you my love You make me excited again I lay down my past I look forward to our future Something I never fathomed before A concept so foreign Your eyes show me the future I desire Your words give me courage Courage I never had been given your arms give me peace I desire Yet still in your arms I feel free Freedom that I once haven’t had I have nothing to give But will spend the rest of my life showing you with every breath, touch and offering I can possibly possess and gather.