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Jun 2019
Overwhelmed with anxiety
From expanding her variety
Of what she has consumed
The whole day now ruined
They say just take a bite
Not understanding the fright
Secretly she'll panic
Feeling gigantic
Automatically she hears her
Screaming look in the mirror
She says, again today you fail
Don't bother to step on that scale
She makes her keep it quiet
Claiming It will start a riot
She promises my happiness
As I grow Grotesqueness
Demands that I obey
Smile, pretend I'm okay
Pink princess
Written by
Pink princess  27/F/My own worldπŸ™ƒ
(27/F/My own worldπŸ™ƒ)   
       ---, Perry, Ayn, ---, S Olson and 3 others
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