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Jun 2019
She was a delicate flower
He the devil with power
She knew she had to let him go
In her eyes it will always show
The shattered pieces he left her in
Again she lost him to an addiction
This one different then the last
She wishes to erase him from her past
This time she lost her soul
She wants out of the black hole
She wished to be enough
His diamond in the rough
She never strived to be perfect
Until he made her feel worthless
She got high off the feeling
Of hunger
It was her way of healing
No wonder
Shell slowly pick out each thorn
From everytime he chose ****
Pink princess
Written by
Pink princess  27/F/My own worldπŸ™ƒ
(27/F/My own worldπŸ™ƒ)   
       Jen, TSPoetry and ---
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