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Jun 2019
You know what
I miss your...
bear tight hugs...
where you would never let go...
squeeze me tighter every second...

I miss your kisses...
I’d get lost...
and feel like I’m...
the only one...

I miss looking into your eyes...
even when I was...
smad at you....
I felt like I was looking into a galaxy...
Like I was the only star in the universe...

I miss our sleepovers...
where we would cuddle...
all night long...
fall asleep...
wake up at 4 & eat...

Our late night walks...
walking to the park...
I’d bundle up...
In a blanket & we would...
walk to the park...
sit there sharing a blanket...
drinking hot cocoa...
talking & not caring...
what people thought...

I miss everyone saying we’re the cc
Our sky rides...
at lagoon waiting for a ride...
we cuddles & talked...
as we past...
everyone said “cc”...
or “you guys are adorable”...
or “I wish I had that”...

I love you I hope you see this...
Written by
Jassy  19/F/Texas
   Nylee and ---
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