there is the peace of a lake’s night-face in our presence, the ratchet of a thousand orbits encircled- wholly intersected through the palms.
a collective vibrato.
this unmasked, awesome wave of silent happenstance gathers kneading masses to lay deadly beneath oaken inscription, cast about the heavens in splinters of light.
our shaken, fevered dance does not separate the halves we are corpus callosum, a passing stab embodied, writhing jazz rhythm untouched from pre-production.
so slice us into maps. paste our highwayed bodies in the grinding gloom we will be your compass rose when the pedals are no longer smooth.
we will grace the dirt when oceans are no comfort.
the palm-lines of healers and street urchins are the same.
child, this anthem is your name. if blood runs black, a frame collapsed, will we sing over your grave.